CURIOUS SELF: “What is the meaning of well-being? Is it just related to health? Is there any limit to well-being? Is there anything as absence of well-being? How can I achieve more well-being in my life and for my loved ones? How much time will it take for me to create well-being in my life?"
When we are born into this amazing world, we are pure positive energy and come directly from the Universal Infinite Pool of Vibrant Well-Being Energy. We live in our Present Now Moment experiencing different emotions ranging all the way from negative emotions like shame, guilt, fear, anger, irritation, disappointment, uncertainty, doubt, false pride, etc. all the way to positive emotions like acceptance, willingness, compassion, kindness, belongingness, gratitude, appreciation, intimacy, love, peace, passion, excitement, joy and bliss. The past experiences that we recollect from our memories is a collection of all the events that occurred in our lives and this recollection happens in the Present Now Moment. The future that we envision in our mind is a collection of all possible experiences that we desire and this also happens in the Present Now Moment.
Our focus must be to avoid any extreme emotions and stay within the balance of healthy emotions. This can be accomplished by Letting Go of all the past emotions that keep us stuck and prevent us from taking action in the Present Now Moment. While doing our daily Meditation Practice we must recall some of the past experiences and look for the emotions that they invoke within us. We must then catalog and process these emotions every time we Meditate. Some past experiences will generate anger, if someone betrayed us, hurt us or mistreated us and we must gradually release this anger, hatred and resentment. Some past experiences will generate disappointment, when we did not achieve our goals, or someone rejected our ideas, and we must gradually release this sadness, disappointment and regret. Likewise, when we think about our future, some desires will create doubt within us, if we are planning to do something new or challenging, and we must gradually break-down our goals into smaller milestones, so that we feel more comfortable. Sometime when we think about our future, some desires will create anxiety or fear within us, if we feel we will be unable to fulfill our obligations, or our safety is compromised, and we must gradually release these feelings, to get ourselves more relaxed, so that we can think clearly and make the right choices. All these negative emotions arise during Meditation Practice, and will continue to arise during the beginning phase of our Meditation Practice. We must learn how to process these negative emotions and reach a state of pleasant calmness and tranquility.
Then as we continue to Meditate, we must start to focus on past experiences that invoke the feelings of happiness, love and trust within us. We must hold onto these kinds of experiences and increase the intensity of these feelings, as these feelings are healthy good feelings. When we think of the times we exercise and take care of our body, when we think of the times we are with our loved ones, when we think of the times we are financially secure, when we think of the times we are helping others, all these experiences generate positive good feelings within us. When we plan for the future with confidence, excitement and passion, when we set new health goals for losing extra body fat and eating more fresh fruits and salads, when we work on improving our relationship skills, when we think of making new friends, when we plan for taking new finance courses and professional skills building courses, when we plan for volunteering at different not-for-profits, all these future plannings generate positive good feelings withing us. We must hold onto all these positive feelings and keep amplifying them as much as we can. As we focus on our Physical Well-Being, Emotional Well-Being, Financial Well-Being and Spiritual Well-Being all the areas of our life starts to improve and we see positive results each day.
The meaning of Well-Being is our ability to be present and aware of ourselves and work towards our goals in a positive state of mind. Well-Being is always in the Present Now Moment and we must continue to work towards building skills that will help us create balance and harmony in our lives. Well-Being exist in every area of life, and the more we learn new skills and practice them daily, the more we increase our Well-Being in different areas. As we master one area of life we move to another area, until the point we have Well-Being skills that will serve us for the rest of our lives. Our capacity for Well-Being is infinite, since once we learn how to create Well-Being in our lives, we can then support our loved ones to achieve a higher state of Well-Being. For some of us we learn fast, we have access to several resources, we can implement healthy habits fast and achieve success fast, so some of us will have a high state of Well-Being early on in life. Some of us take more time to learn and implement ideas and have limited access to resources, so we have to patiently wait for them to reach their state of Overall Well-Being. The more we focus on Well-Being the more we become Well-Being.
HIGHER SELF: “Well-Being is all around us and we have access to infinite Well-Being through the practice of Daily Meditation. We must set meaningful and healthy goals in all areas of our life and work towards learning skills and creating Well-Being for ourselves and everyone around us. The more we take care of our body, our food habits, our relationships, our family, our friends, our expectations, our emotions, our knowledge, our mind, our finances, our beliefs, our compassion, our kindness and our inner peace, the more we find ourselves at a higher state of Well-Being. The more we practice our Well-Being skills, the more we become Well-Being ourselves. We Are Well-Being once we have mastered skills of taking care of all our needs and learning how to be in a high state of gratitude and happiness. We Love Meditation."
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