The mind is a busy hive of thoughts and we are jumping from ideas to emotions to memories for most of our waking hours. During Meditation we being to witness how much movement happens in our Mind and how little we live in the PRESENT MOMENT. We learn to observe our thoughts and perhaps begin to change them. Taking a step back and witnessing our thoughts instead of identifying with them is the Key to Meditation.
some of the beneficial claims are ridiculous. Diabetes. Tinnitus! Give me a break.
This is a total falsehood. - Going to the gym 3 times per week for exercise does not cure any disease, Meditation also does not directly cure any disease. However, those who regurally exercise and eat healthy have a better quality of life than those who live unhealthy lifestyle. Similarily, those who Meditate daily have better quality of life than those who do not meditate regurally.
Meditation exists, therefore like everything else it must have three sides. - Not sure what three sides means? When a person exercises properly then they will get health benefits. If they over-exerice or do wrong exercise then they will get muscle injury. Similarily, when a person does Meditation properly then they will get the corresponding good benefits. If they do Meditation incorrectly then they will get poor results.
Of course, meditation is not for everybody, especially not the intensive kind. - Meditation can be done by any person who knows how to breathe. And since every human needs to breathe to stay alive, any human can do Meditaion if they so choose.
Mentally unstable people, like paranoid schizophrenic, psychotic, should not do it. First, they should work themselves up to a normal level. They should weed themselves out of all legal and illegal psychotic drugs and switch to natural products. - This is an incorrect assumption. With appropriate Meditation Coach and Guidance any person who is alive can learn to Meditate if they want to.
But there are many steps down the road to enlightenment that many people don’t want to take. Why? Because they may be painful, threatening, or depressing. Not to mention, they can be incredibly scary. - Meditation has nothing to do with Enlightenment or Higher State of Being.
Some of the side-effects of meditation are twitching, trembling, panic, disorientation, hallucinations, terror, depression, and mental and psychotic breakdown. - These are not side-effects. These are the experiences of cleaning the years of toxic and negative energy build-up. When an obsese person goes on weight-loss diet they exerience similar emotions. That is not side-effect. That is just the process to get healthy. Similary Meditation has no side-effects. Once the cleaning process is completed then person is very relaxed and in-control of emotions.
Having said that, let’s take a closer look at it; there are millions of people who never practice meditation, even for a minute, and yet they are suffering from these same symptoms. - This has nothing to do with Meditation.
7 - 10% of people on meditation retreats experience adverse effects including fear and depression. - This is true for any event. There will always be people who will experience fear. That is built-in part of our human design.
Meditation is not for everyone and some people can suffer serious psychological disturbances after practising it. - A person may choose not to Meditate. That is similar to a person choosing not to eat healthy. No one suffers any permanent damage with Meditation. It is all part of getting the mind and body free from toxins and negative and limiting belief systems.
Research points out that practising meditation for 20 minutes a day resulted in a higher level of biological stress, as measured by the hormone cortisol part, yet at the same time meditators reported lower level of subjective stress. - For every human Meditation benefits are different. There is no way reseach scientist can accurately measure intangible benefits of Meditation.
So why would meditation make you feel more stressed? There might be several reasons; trying to focus your awareness for extended periods of time; what you’re feeling and thinking can be a demanding cognitive exercise. - This just means that the person is not using common-sense. They can just listen to relaxing Meditation music or do Walking Meditation or Watch the Birds or Watch the Stars.
Another reason that is well known; when you meditate ‘the scum rises to the surface’. As the old saying goes; the higher the tree the deeper the roots; if the branches reach to the heaven, the roots reach to the hell. During meditation many intrusive images, thoughts and feelings, such a strong sexual, sad, fearful and violent ones, may arise abruptly. You have to be well prepared for it. - Yes, Meditation should be done with care. While driving we use our eyes and hands and legs. We do not drive with eyes closed. Similary with Meditation the person needs to know how to meditate correctly.
Meditation can have powerful effects on the mind, but not all of those are beneficial, at some particular time. Meditation is heavily marketed as a new fix all solution, kind of a Buddha pill, and we have wilfully turned a blind eye to the potential dark side. - All products and services are Marketed aggressively. That is how businesses operates. When a person will look for good Meditation non-profits, they will be able to receive correct and authentic guidance on Meditation.
Each coin has three sides and we should be keenly aware of the whole range of effects associated with these techniques, and how they work differently for each of us. - Yes, Learning Meditation takes years, just like yoga, martial arts or any sports. A good option is to join a local Meditation group or find some good Meditation Coach for the first 3-5 years.
Thanks for your amazing sharing on Meditation. It will help many folks. Good Luck with your Meditation Practise... :-)
The miracle of meditation is no secret. A vast and growing body of research shows that meditating can reduce stress, alleviate anxiety and depression, increase your attention span, and deepen your compassion for others, among its many other benefits. Practice 30 minutes daily Meditation and share about Meditation with all your friends and family members.
Meditation allows us to more easily drop into a "flow state" in which we become supremely adaptable to change. Everything is in a constant state of change. Nothing is static. Change is inevitable. Let us embrace change through Meditation.
What is meditation? Meditation is not about becoming a different person, a new person or even a better person. It is about training in awareness and getting a healthy sense of perspective. We are not trying to turn off our thoughts or feelings. But we are learning to observe them without judgment. And eventually, we start to better understand them as well.
The term "meditation" means different things to different people. There's spiritual meditation, relaxation meditation, chanting meditation, reframing meditation, goal-setting meditation, forgiveness meditation, money meditation and many more. Practice different types of meditation to achieve optimum benefits.
1. Forgive - Forgiving another person (or yourself) can help you to move on from the past and release yourself from negative emotions and thoughts.
2. Meditate - Meditation has been used for thousands of years to clear and free the mind. Doing so doesn’t have to involve burning candles and sitting in the lotus position; it can simply be sitting comfortably, allowing thoughts to enter your mind and pass through without engaging in them. Doing this for as little as ten minutes can be enough to free your mind from persistent or annoying thoughts.
3. Exercise - Exercising focuses the body on its physical requirements and takes your attention off your mind. Exercise also releases endorphins and lowers cortisol, often bringing about a more positive and happier mood.
4. Let go of the past - Letting go of the past allows you to focus on the here and now, and also helps you choose more empowering thoughts.
5. Be mindful - Being mindful is the practice of focusing the mind on everyday actions that you might normally do on autopilot. By practising mindfulness, the mind concentrates on the task at hand rather than thoughts and feelings you might prefer not to have.
6. Practice EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is something that can be learnt quickly (in a matter of minutes) and can help you to feel better immediately. EFT is often also called “tapping”. EFT involves verbalising the problem or issue in hand whilst using an affirmation phrase and tapping energy points on the body.
7. Stop feeling guilty - Guilt is an emotion that, when left unchecked, can escalate and leave you feeling trapped and powerless. Practice noticing when you feel guilty and find ways to let go of guilty feelings.
8. Smile and laugh - Research shows that you will feel better for smiling and laughing, even when you don’t feel like it! Your brain registers the movements of the muscles in your face when you smile and then releases hormones and chemicals that make you feel good. Your improved emotions will make it easier to change how you are thinking.
9. Watch a funny film - Watching a funny film is a great way to escape reality! Just taking time out to immerse yourself in another world via a film is often enough to break the cycle of over-thinking.
10. Stop people-pleasing and approval-seeking behaviors - Many people are people-pleasers or approval junkies, but engaging in these behaviours ultimately leaves you feeling trapped, as though you are living your life for others. Notice when you are engaging in these behaviors and start practicing living life for you.
11. Just do it! - Do one thing today that scares you or that you’ve been putting off. Your mind will be brought into sharp focus by the adrenaline your body produces.
12. De-clutter your physical possessions - A calming environment free from clutter can help you get into a more relaxed state of mind. Without the distraction of clutter around, you are freer to let your mind focus on more positive thoughts.
13. Visualize yourself as the person you want to be - Think of someone you admire and imagine how they would handle the thoughts you are having. Then visualize yourself acting in the same way.
14. Make the decision to let go of toxic relationships and nourish positive connections - Unhealthy relationships can lead to negative thoughts and stressful states. Nourishing positive relationships will enrich your life, filling your mind with more positive thoughts and memories.
15. Do one thing every day to work towards a dream - Everything starts with the first step. Identify your goal and the changes needed and take the decision to take that first leap: you’ll soon be on your way to achieving your dreams rather than just thinking about them.
16. Try hypnosis - Hypnosis is a proven therapy that enables your subconscious thoughts to influence your unconscious and conscious thoughts and feelings. Hypnotherapy can improve and resolve issues in your life and free your mind of worries and concerns.
17. Notice the hobbies or activities you enjoy so much that you lose a sense of time - Do these more often! Engaging in a pastime you enjoy helps to promote a more mindful and meditative state of mind. This state allows the mind to relax and mindfully focus on the pursuit being undertaken, replacing other thoughts that may be occupying your mind.
18. Let go of regrets - To let go of regrets, you could write a letter to yourself or make a list and then burn or throw it into a stream as a ritual of letting the regrets go.
19. Practice self-love - Honor yourself and your choices and let go of self criticism and judgement.
20. Dance! - Move your body and let go of what you think you look like! This is guaranteed to alter your mood and free your mind.
21. Spend time alone - Get used to your own company and enjoy just “being” without the need for constant company, entertainment, or being busy for its own sake.
22. Try something new - Try something new; maybe a new hobby or even a new meal choice. Mix things up and get out of your usual way of doing things.
22. Daydream - Allow yourself time to daydream regularly. This is so good for the soul!
23. Let go of labels - Notice when you are defining yourself by external labels and let them go.
24. Become less attached - What are you attached to? There’s nothing wrong with enjoying things in life, but when you become attached, you rely on something external to make you happy, which traps the mind.
25. Let go of guilt - Guilt is a strong emotion that can become overwhelming and all-consuming. Look at addressing what you feel guilty about, and see how you can either resolve the issues you feel guilty about, or how you can be more compassionate towards yourself.
26. Practice gratitude - Being grateful allows you to live in the present and see the blessings in front of you right now.
27. Read inspirational stories - Reading about people and events that inspire you can help put your thoughts into a different context.
28. Find like-minded and positive people - When you spend time with positive and like-minded people, you spend more of your time in the moment instead of over-thinking or analyzing yourself.
29. Make a commitment to keep learning - Learning helps you to expand your mind, which can help you achieve a more enlightened and informed point of view.
30. Use positive affirmations - You are affirming all the time by the way you think and talk. “Things never go my way” is a negative affirmation, for example. You could replace such a thought with a positive affirmation such as “things are working out perfectly”. Using positive affirmations helps you to make better choices and see things from a different and more positive perspective.
31. Practice putting yourself in other people’s shoes - Reading, listening, and discussing opinions different from your own can open your mind and help you to see life from different perspectives. This can be particularly freeing if you are stuck in thinking about certain things in a particular way.
The neuroplasticity of the brain
1. Meditation Makes You Happy
2. Meditation Can Relieve Symptoms Of Depression
3. Meditation Alleviates Stress
4. Meditation Stops Anxiety And Worry
5. Meditation Makes The Healthy Areas Of Your Brain Grow
6. Meditation Helps You Focus
7. Meditation Makes You Creative
5 Proven Health Benefits Of Meditation
1. Meditation Reduces Pain
2. Meditation Can Help You Quit Smoking
3. Meditation Can Cut Your Risk For Heart Disease In Half
4. Meditation Reduces Inflammation
5. Meditation Helps You Fight And Manage Diseases
Let us be a simple witness of our thought processes. Simply sitting silently, witnessing the thoughts, passing before us. Just witnessing, not interfering not even judging, because the moment we judge we have lost the pure witness. The moment we say "this is good, this is bad," we have always jumped onto the thought process. It takes a little time to create a gap between the witness and the mind. Once the gap is there, we are in for a great surprise, that we are not the mind, that we are the witness, a watcher.
At first meditating feels unusual – like stepping out of normal life and doing something that most people find strange. Soon, however, we connect with many people who meditate. Also, many successful people attribute part of their success to meditation.